
How to find the right weighing partner you can trust?
How to find the right weighing partner you can trust?

How to find the right weighing partner you can trust?

In the previous articles of the CECIP ‘Weighing you can trust’ campaign series the importance of finding the right partner for quality weighing instruments and processes was emphasized. Those partners can help you to trust weighing results, incorporate innovative weighing technologies within production processes and guarantee the equipment bought is compliant with legislation. However, it might not always obvious to find the right weighing partner for each company and the right partner might be different for different companies depending on several factors.

Therefore, identifying the needs and wishes for the weighing instruments would be the first step. This can be the basis to find the partner providing the required level of quality for the company. For example, based on this analysis the level of service that is required can be identified. Especially when the weighing instrument is used in tough conditions, requires a regular reverification or when weighing is critical in the production good service is essential.

Legal metrology and product legislation should also be considered. All weighing instruments need to comply with EU legislation and must have a CE mark. Depending on the situation the weighing instrument is used such as commercial transactions more requirements are applicable. A trustworthy supplier can give information on this and support a company in choosing a compliant weighing instrument.

Another factor to be considered when identifying the right partner is CECIP membership. CECIP, the European weighing industry association, has a large network of companies that are directly or indirectly members. These companies receive regular updates on new technological developments and legal metrology legislation. In general, being a member of CECIP shows the company is serious about its weighing activities and is a clear indication of a quality supplier.

To conclude, finding the right weighing partner is important for many companies. Which partner is right depends on many factors and the needs of a company. However, for all companies it is important to make a conscious choice about the weighing partner to see if it delivers the quality and service that is needed.


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